Best Self Defense Technique for Woman

Best Self Defense Technique for Woman
As a woman, it's understandable if you don't want to spend your whole life mastering self defense techniques. While recommended, you surely don't have the time and power to do it. If you're going to think about it, do you really need to master these techniques?

Best Self Defense Technique for Woman

Best Self Defense Technique for Woman : Less Can Be More

When it comes to self defense techniques, less can be more. You just have to make sure that you don't waste time with the ineffective and inefficient ones. If you really want to learn how to properly defend yourself, you have to focus on the best self defense techniques for females. This way, you can focus your available time and resources in mastering them.

Here are some of the best self defense techniques for females:

  1. Shouting for help : It may sound anticlimactic, but shouting for help is one of the best techniques that you can use. Do you want to know why most attackers often go for the mouth first? It's to prevent the victim from shouting. If you're able to shout for help, there's a good chance that your attacker will run away for fear of getting caught in the act. A personal alarm is also useful.
  2. Running away : Let's say that you just entered a dark alley and you see a suspicious man on the other end. What should you do? You should go the opposite direction. Run if you see him walking or running towards you.
  3. Use a self-defense weapon : As a woman, you're always at a disadvantage against a man. This is especially true if the man is high on something and he has a weapon. Take back the advantage by having a self-defense weapon like a pepper spray or stun gun.
  4. Use self-defense moves : When worse comes to worst, you'll need to defend yourself mano-a-mano. Here are some techniques that you can do:
This is one of the best self defense techniques for females out there because it requires little to no training. There's a reason why this move is not allowed in mixed martial arts and your attacker will know this the hard way.

A punch to the nose
The nose is very sensitive, that a direct strike can lead to unbearable pain. Instead of a punch that he'll see coming, an upward strike with the heel of your palm is better.
Best Self Defense Technique for Woman

A knee to the groin
This is the most popular self defense technique out there. No matter how high he is, a knee to the groin will surely bring him to his knees.

A kick to the knee
With a broken knee, he'll have a hard time running after you. This way, you can use tip number 2 effectively.

Add common sense to these techniques and you can have peace of mind knowing that you're safe.

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