Best Self Defense Tips for Senior

Best Self Defense Tips for Senior
Senior citizens are the fastest-growing segment of our population. The good news is they are living longer than ever. The bad news is they are living longer than ever. Living longer is a double-edged sword. They are much more active than their predecessors and because of that they are out and about much more than previous generations of seniors.

Best Self Defense Tips for Senior

That makes them targets for the bad guys. Approximately 92% of crimes committed against seniors are property crimes. 20% of crimes committed against seniors on a personal level involve theft.
Best Self Defense Tips for Senior

Burglars, scam artists and petty thieves see seniors as "targets of opportunity" especially older women. If seniors understand that they can take some steps to level the playing field. Here are some steps they can take. They are the best senior self defense tips- the top 10.

Best Self Defense Tips for Senior

  1. Carry yourself confidently-don't be a target.
  2. Always be alert and always be prepared-people who are distracted make for easy targets. The bad guys use surprise and deception as part of their game plan.
  3. Don't go alone-whenever you are out always try and have someone with you. If you are alone when shopping at for an escort to your car.
  4. Run your errands and a daytime-the bad guys do most of their criminal activity at night. That is just a fact.
  5. Learn some basic self-defense techniques. You don't have to become an expert but if you just learn one or two simple techniques it could save your life.
  6. Carry some self defense products-a stun gun, pepper spray and the personal alarm. I actually recommend that you carry a personal alarm and a stun gun or a pepper spray.
  7. Make lots of noise-if you are attacked noise draws attention to your situation. This is where your personal alarm can come in handy.
  8. Don't be bashful-if you are attacked know where to hit the assailant. Gouge his eyes, kick him in his private parts, a fist to his ear or over the bridge of his nose will certainly slow him down.
  9. No stun gun? No problem-use whatever you have available as a weapon. Your purse, your cane, your keys, a ball point pen or hairspray in the face all make good weapons.
  10. Fight fight fight-your life may be in the balance. The bad guys are not expecting any resistance. The more vigorously fight back the better your chances.

Follow these best senior self defense tips-the top ten and you make yourself and your friends safer.

Best Self Defence Tips for Men: What's the Best Martial Art?

Best Self Defence Tips for Men: What's the Best Martial Art?
Sadly in the world today we all live with the threat of violence on a daily basis. Many of us may consider learning a martial art like taekwondo to deal with this but will it work in a real street attack?

Best Self Defence Tips for Men: What's the Best Martial Art?
My answer to learn street self defence. A modern, progressive martial art based on actual situations street self defence will prepare you mentally and with moves you can use to defend yourself. As an experienced martial artist I am often asked for self defence techniques and tips and the answer is there really aren't many short cuts. Attending traditional martial classes isn't the answer for everyone.

Best Self Defence Tips for Men: What's the Best Martial Art?

If you do choose this route which is the best martial art? Of course you will need to find martial arts classes local to you and this will restrict what you can do. The range of martial arts is vast and includes throwing arts like judo and striking arts like karate and also newer martial arts like Choi Kwang Do and Krav Maga. Personally I feel Krav Maga is one of the best martial arts for street self defence.

Street self defence includes moves which I know many people would consider dirty fighting techniques. But what really is a dirty move in a street fight where there's a real threat of injury! Elbow strikes, strikes to soft tissue areas like the ears may all be considered fair when you are forced into a real fight. Certainly when you think about self defence for women I would argue dirty fighting tactics have a place. At the end of the day it's all about surviving. Real world taekwondo is another option for highly effective fighting techniques and is well worth looking into.

Best Self Defence Tips for Men: What's the Best Martial Art?

One of the other advantages of street self defence is that you can study techniques from home study courses and attending classes may not be necessary. Many martial artists spend years perfecting a kick or strike but when it comes to a street fight they would fall apart. My best self defence tip would be to have the right attitude to deal with actual attacks. It all starts with awareness. Be aware of your surroundings and of your self. You need to understand how you will react when threatened or attacked. Sometimes it really is necessary to make the first strike and if you can't accept this you need to change your mind set. Most thugs won't have any second thoughts in injuring you and you must be able to do the same if backed into a corner. We must always stay on the right side of the law of course.

3 Best Self Defense Techniques

3 Best Self Defense Techniques
Self defense moves (also known as self defense techniques) are a dime a dozen. It seems like everyone has an idea on what are the best self defense techniques or moves. However, many of them don't work. A fair percentage of them just aren't effective in real life situations. That being said, there are some simple moves that are useful and effective, and which you can learn easily enough. Now, they do still require training and proper instruction, but you don't need to be any kind of martial arts expert. These are the best ones...

3 Best Self Defense Techniques

3 Best Self Defense Techniques
The first one, and everyone should know this one, is a front kick to the groin. It doesn't have to be a perfect, martial arts, two chamber, front snap kick to the groin. You just have to make your foot connect with your attacker's groin. And it doesn't have to snap out, it can lift up, push, as long as you're hitting someone in the groin, it's going to take them down. It's not going to take them down permanently, but the 10 seconds that they are hurting should be enough time for you to make your escape. Making it as difficult as possible for the attacker is what we're looking to achieve with these simple, but effective, self defense moves. We're not looking to incapacitate, we're looking to allow us time to escape the situation safely.

3 Best Self Defense Techniques

Another great one, is the eye jab. Now, when a lot of people think of eye jabs, it conjures up images of the Bruce Lee, kung fu, two finger poke to the eye; that's not what we're talking about here. Instead of just using two fingers, why not use four? Obviously your thumb can be considered a finger too, but it's not really effective for eye jabbing because it's behind. But, the first four can all be spread out in a fan like motion and thrusted at the attacker's eyes. This is great for self defense because you don't have to be that accurate; especially if you use both hands at once.

The third self defense move is the ear slap. Ear slaps are great because when you slap someone in the ear, it causes damage to the ear drum, which temporarily affects their balance. An ear slap won't knock your attacker to the ground, but it will buy you a few seconds to follow up with your next self defense, or to start running away. It's ideal for when someone is up close and trying to grab hold of you. The attacker won't be able to hold on to you tightly if they're stunned and dizzy.

Women's Best Self Defense Tips

Women's Best Self Defense Tips
Women are the targets of 90 % or more of all assaults from domestic violence to date rape to street crimes-just a fact. Guys you should be aware of these tips too. They'll work for you and you can pass them along to the women in your life.

Women's Best Self Defense Tips

  1. Get a self defense program in place.
  2. Get a self-defensive attitude. This will enhance your self-confidence and power to fight back. Building confidence in your ability to defend your self shows through.
  3. Use common sense and restraint. Everyone has choices on where they go and how they get there. Keep to well lit areas, go with a buddy, avoid dangerous areas.
  4. Learn how to avoid a fight. It takes two to tangle. Take the high road and walk away when given the opportunity.
  5. Keep practicing. The self defense skills you learn should become second nature.
  6. Be aware of where you are.
  7. Hitchhiking is dangerous-use buses or taxis.
  8. Never act or appear to be an easy target. Don't look like victim. Most guys who assault women are not all that smart but they are not stupid either. Someone who is walking with their head down and an uncertain gait presents an easy target.
  9. Have body language that exudes self-confidence.
  10. Start screaming your head off. Then try biting, scratching eyes-anything you can do to defend your self.
  11. Trust your instincts. Women especially are blessed with an uncanny knack for sensing things. They should use and trust that instinct. When you get a shiver down your spine be ready to react.
  12. Get a survivor mentality. This starts with developing an awareness of your surroundings and aware of the fact that women are potential targets all their lives.
  13. Don't become paranoid. Just be aware!
  14. Your priorities are survival and escape. You don't get style points. Fight dirty.
  15. React quickly. An assault situation demands a speedy response not where's my pepper spray.
  16. Use anything you can get your hands on as a self defense weapon. A pen in your purse, keys, your fingernails-anything that might cause some damage.
  17. Don't be a provocative target. Getting drunk or high on drugs is akin to asking for trouble-even when with friends.
  18. Learn some basic points on the body that yield the results you want. Eye gouges, groin kicks, the heal of the hand to the base of the nose, a hard punch to the ear all will get you a release.
  19. Having a stun gun is not enough. Learn and know how to use them and practice using them. They will give you from 3-15 minutes to escape to get help or just escape and survive.
  20. Your life is at stake here. I can't stress this enough practice different scenarios so when (not if) the time comes you instinctively know what to do and it just happens reflexively.

Women's Best Self Defense Tips
Following these tips may end up saving your life. Remember the old saying "walk softly and carry a nasty pepper spray."

10 Best Self Defense Tips For Women

10 Best Self Defense Tips For Women
In the USA, every two minutes a woman is being raped.
A 1993 survey revealed that 50% of Canadian women have experienced an incident of sexual assault or physical violence.
In Australia, 19% of women aged 18 to 24 experienced an act of violence in the last year. Statistics show that one in very four women in America will be sexually assaulted in her lifetime.

10 Best Self Defense Tips For Women

These are SHOCKING statistics!
For more than 30 years I have been running specialized self defence courses and seminars. Over that time I have shown thousands of people how to protect and look after themselves.
Increasing personal safety ALWAYS commences with awareness. Since most women fear attacks of a sexual nature more than anything else most of my quick tips are geared towards that.
10 Best Self Defense Tips For Women

If you are a woman, here is a list of ten simple things that you can do immediately that will increase your safety:

10 Best Self Defense Tips For Women

  1. Do not wear revealing clothing in public places. Doing so will ensure that you attract plenty of attention, including attention from those people with evil intent. Be discrete and leave provocative wear to those times when you can enjoy the intimacy of your partner.
  2. Trust your instincts. Women are very intuitive. If you think a situation might be dangerous then it probably is. That little guardian angel should be trusted rather than ignored.
  3. Rape and other sexual assault is always increasing. In the event of the worst outcome use your fingernails to gouge your attacker's cheek. It marks him for identification and you will have DNA under your nails.
  4. Drive your motor vehicle in a courteous manner. Nobody appreciates rude hand signs. Remember - eventually you have to stop, even if it is to refuel. Psycho cases might follow you for many miles "just to teach you a lesson" - all because you made yourself a target to their twisted minds.
  5. Drinking excessive amounts of alcohol, taking mind altering drugs and leaving ANY food or drink unattended where it may be tampered with is a recipe for disaster. Give your self an even chance.
  6. NEVER pick up hitch-hikers and ABSOLUTELY NEVER hitch-hike yourself.
  7. If you live alone make sure that all your mail is addressed by just your first initial followed by your surname. Never allow mail to be addressed to you with salutations like Miss, Mrs, Ms or with your christian or given name. Those letters and parcels pass many eyes before they get to you. Change them. Make them nondescript as to your sex and marital status. Why allow anybody even one extra shred of information about you?
  8. NEVER walk alone at night or at any time in isolated areas. Predators love these locations. Avoid them.
  9. Many sexual acts are committed by people who the victims knew - or, at least, thought they knew! Be friendly and polite by all means but be vigilant for tell-tale signs of "strange" behavior. Do NOT flirt. Be firm about any unwanted attention, particularly in the work place.
  10. Sexual attack is usually preceded by some visual sign, which is usually preceded by some verbal approach before the physical action. Recognize the sequence: the look - the talk - the attack.

Please feel free to distribute this safety list to every woman you care for. The only condition is that the resource box remains intact and that this article is not altered in any way

Best Self Defense

Best Self Defense
The best self defense systems aren't defined by the techniques they teach. Anyone can teach you to hit and kick. The most important aspect of self defense training is learning how to avoid injury! The first few seconds of a confrontation are the most critical, and usually determine the outcome. If you can avoid getting hurt in those first few pivotal seconds of an attack, you'll have a better than average chance of getting away unharmed.

Best Self Defense

Most martial arts or self defense programs will teach you to stand in place and try to STOP the attack as it comes in. They'll show you things like upward blocks, or cross blocks, or downward blocks, or leg blocks, or even trying to catch a hand with a knife that's coming in at your head.
Best Self Defense

All that stuff looks good in the movies, but here in the real world, it simply won't work. Beginners would never be able to pull off techniques or blocks like that because it takes years of practice and training to be able to do correctly. The best self defense techniques are those that are easy to learn and can work for you right now.

Best Self Defense : A Moving Target is Hard to Hit

The best self defense techniques have nothing to do with trying to BLOCK the attack from hitting you. If someone were to throw a rock at you, would you be better off trying to knock it down with your arms, or simply step out of the way? Obviously, you'll be much better off by moving out of the way so you don't get hit. A moving target is hard to hit. So, by moving the target, your body, you don't get hit in the attack and you don't get hurt. It's that simple.

With an attacker in front of you, the attack will be coming directly into your body. This is what is known as the "line of attack." As discussed, the best self defense maneuver is the most natural and most effective means of avoiding injury in this initial attack which is to move your entire body out of the line of attack. The basic maneuver used to do that is called a slide step. It is important to understand that you don't go directly left or right with the slide step, but at a forty-five degree angle.

So, from where you're standing, to move left, the left foot moves forward at an angle, and you slide off the line of attack so it goes right by. In order to slide to the right, the right foot moves in the forty-five degree angle and takes you off the line of attack in the other direction. It doesn't matter whether you slide left, or slide to the right. You don't get hit, and that's all that matters.

Best Self Defense Against Assaults

Best Self Defense Against Assaults
In the year 2009, which is the last year that the federal government had statistics for aggravated assaults, stats show that the rate percentage wise is actually going down. Aggravated assault is assault with a deadly weapon. The penalty for aggravated assault is much more severe than just regular assault which doesn't include a deadly weapon. When you look at just regular assaults, the ones without a deadly weapon, the number of reported cases is actually on the increase.

Best Self Defense Against Assaults

And the shocker is it has been estimated that the actual number of assaults is way under-reported mostly due to domestic violence cases.

Almost as scary as that number is the fact that women continue to be the targets in nine out of ten cases of violence. And that doesn't include just assaults or aggravated assaults but robberies, domestic violence of course, home invasions and even carjackings.

I recommend to women and men that they've develop a self-defense strategy using a good self-defense course as the foundation on which to build. Not only does it teach you techniques that can help you defend yourself that will last you a lifetime but it helps to build your self-confidence so you don't walk around in fear.

Once you have that foundation in place then choose one of these three self defense products. Not only are they the most popular but they are the most effective as well.

Best Self Defense Against Assaults

The first is the C-2 taser. It was developed by Taser International specifically for women with four color choices of red, blue, silver, pink and yellow and the sleek design that appeals to women. Taser has new packaging now for the C2 that includes a practice training cartridge, a holster, a practice target and two live cartridges. It is still the most expensive self defense product at close to $400.00 but it is the most effective bar none with nearly a 100 percent take down rate.

Second on the list is the pretender stun gun. At 4.5 million volts it is one of the strongest if not the strongest stun gun on the market today. A 3 to 5 second application of a stun gun to an assailant will disable him for 5 to 10 minutes allowing you time to escape the predicament you are in.

Best Self Defense Against Assaults
And third on the list is the Mace pepper gun. With the longest range of any self defense product in the world at 25 feet, the pepper gun uses a derivative of one of the most powerful peppers in the world. The spray can disable an assailant for up to 45 minutes by tearing up his eyes, causing him to cough, choke and make his breathing very difficult. And the pain it causes oh my gosh-nasty stuff!

The 6 Phases of a Best Self Defense Plan

The 6 Phases of a Best Self Defense Plan
Contrary to popular belief, there is a big difference between a fight and a self defense situation. While both may look the same on a physical, combative level, the reason that each participant is there is very different.

As a general rule, a fight is a contest involving two or more willing participants, all trying to "win" or prove that they are "right." A self defense situation, on the other hand, may involve more than one willing participant but, they are all on the SAME side!

The 6 Phases of a Best Self Defense Plan

The defender in a self-protection encounter is the unwilling target of an attack launched by another who is trying to take something from her. As a result, she is not trying to win or lose necessarily, as much as she's trying to get out of the situation altogether.

The following is a list of the six general phases of progression that one goes through in being properly prepared for a self defense situation - beginning with the least amount of threat to the defender and leading to that which poses the greatest potential for damage. Each phase, or stage, itself, has the potential of reducing or completely eliminating your chances of ending up as a crime statistic as a victim of assault or some other serious crime.

If you are to be properly prepared to maintain a safe and danger-free life, you must insure that your training takes all of these phases into consideration.

  1. General Awareness - Accept that there is danger in the world and choose to do something about NOT being a victim of it.
  2. Awareness of Danger Potential - Tune-in and be aware of your surroundings. Know that the sooner you can be aware of danger that might affect you, the more choices you have for dealing with it.
  3. Escaping to Safety - Know how to choose good escape routes from where you are. Have escape routes pre-planned from your home and everywhere else you frequent regularly. And, have multiple routes to and from places like work, the mall, school(s), and of course, your home.
  4. Distraction Tactics - Don't be in a hurry to fight. If at all possible, use humor, trickery, and other non-threatening, non-confrontational strategies to diffuse the situation or distract the attacker's mind away from you as the target.
  5. Project a Confident Attitude - As a last resort, use firm, committed speech and body language to try to dissuade the assailant from going through with his plan to attack. Let him know, in no uncertain terms, that you will not be an easy target.
  6. Physical Self-Defense - If all else fails, and you end up at this phase - be prepared to win.

The 6 Phases of a Best Self Defense Plan

The 6 Phases of a Best Self Defense Plan
It's important to note that "physical self defense" comes at the end of the list. This is never the preferred choice for handling things as there is always the chance, no matter how good you are, of something going wrong.

As I said, the more options you have in being able to avoid or escape from a situation before it gets physical, the greater your chances of success with the least amount of wear-and-tear.

But, remember: If you must fight, then do everything in your power to go home safely. After all, this is about "defense", right?

Best Self Defense Technique for Woman

Best Self Defense Technique for Woman
As a woman, it's understandable if you don't want to spend your whole life mastering self defense techniques. While recommended, you surely don't have the time and power to do it. If you're going to think about it, do you really need to master these techniques?

Best Self Defense Technique for Woman

Best Self Defense Technique for Woman : Less Can Be More

When it comes to self defense techniques, less can be more. You just have to make sure that you don't waste time with the ineffective and inefficient ones. If you really want to learn how to properly defend yourself, you have to focus on the best self defense techniques for females. This way, you can focus your available time and resources in mastering them.

Here are some of the best self defense techniques for females:

  1. Shouting for help : It may sound anticlimactic, but shouting for help is one of the best techniques that you can use. Do you want to know why most attackers often go for the mouth first? It's to prevent the victim from shouting. If you're able to shout for help, there's a good chance that your attacker will run away for fear of getting caught in the act. A personal alarm is also useful.
  2. Running away : Let's say that you just entered a dark alley and you see a suspicious man on the other end. What should you do? You should go the opposite direction. Run if you see him walking or running towards you.
  3. Use a self-defense weapon : As a woman, you're always at a disadvantage against a man. This is especially true if the man is high on something and he has a weapon. Take back the advantage by having a self-defense weapon like a pepper spray or stun gun.
  4. Use self-defense moves : When worse comes to worst, you'll need to defend yourself mano-a-mano. Here are some techniques that you can do:
This is one of the best self defense techniques for females out there because it requires little to no training. There's a reason why this move is not allowed in mixed martial arts and your attacker will know this the hard way.

A punch to the nose
The nose is very sensitive, that a direct strike can lead to unbearable pain. Instead of a punch that he'll see coming, an upward strike with the heel of your palm is better.
Best Self Defense Technique for Woman

A knee to the groin
This is the most popular self defense technique out there. No matter how high he is, a knee to the groin will surely bring him to his knees.

A kick to the knee
With a broken knee, he'll have a hard time running after you. This way, you can use tip number 2 effectively.

Add common sense to these techniques and you can have peace of mind knowing that you're safe.

Four of the Best Self Defense Tactics

Four of the Best Self Defense Tactics
I want to give you an opportunity to learn some self defense techniques that I know work well in real life. Over the years I've spent time struggling to keep myself alive while in prison and working as a bouncer. During that time I learned some things that any martial arts student can use along with the training they have received in more formal martial arts and street fighting experience. If you find that you are confronted by a rapist or mugger these techniques might just make the difference between life and death for you. While you can't use these techniques in fight competitions or in a martial arts dojo, they are very effective where it counts most, in real life fighting on the street.

Four of the Best Self Defense Tactics

The number one best self defense tactics - 

Four of the Best Self Defense Tactics
Never hesitate to bite the bad guys face or any other vulnerable areas if given the chance. If an attacker gets his fingers near you face bite them. There are many different areas on the body face and neck you can bite for serious pain. Anything from eyebrows, to ears, lips, legs, flanks, even the groin, fave or an elbow can be a biting target. When clinch fighting you are even more dangerous if you use street only moves like opportune biting. Sure it makes sense your worried about blood. If you really think about, if the guy wants to kill you, what is more important? You're better off to opt for the blood as leave the chance go by and end up dead for sure. Bites work very well, there is no denying their effectiveness.

The number two best self defense tactics -

When you are throwing some kicks aim at the knee caps, groin and shins. And you better know how to get up instantly if you end up on the ground because your assailant caught your side kick. Do what you can to keep you balance steady and your kicks low so that you can keep your assailant from getting nearer to you. While you're at it, if you want to kick use the dirtiest street fighting "tricks" and kicks you can think of. If you need a great sequence of self defense moves try stomping on the attacker's feet followed by kicking him in the shins as hard as you can and then punching him in the groin and you'll have a winning sequence! You have to be capable of truly ruthless violence in order to prevail in a real street fight.

The third best self defense tactic -

You have to practice self-defense that will do you some good in real life situations that weren't pre-planned. You need to make your situations and the response to an attack as real as you can. Practice in a park or other available open space. Then turn it around and do your training where space is at a premium, like a small bedroom or hallway. When a fight presented itself in prison it was often in a hallway area that was only five feet wide. It's essential to learn how to fight in any sort of area with varied terrain and opponents of different sizes and with different techniques.

The fourth best self defense tactics -

Being able to tear out an attackers eye ball is a lot more effective then hoping your punches knock him out. If you have the chance to reach out and gouge the eyes of an assailant first, you can follow with punches. It's a lot less likely that your assailant will think he can beat you when he can't see you or what he's doing either. Really, if you can, tear his whole eye out. You might think it's too harsh, but if someone is really trying to rape or kill you anything you do to survive including any means you can use to disable or defeat your attacker is the right thing to do.